The COVID-19 crisis is ongoing, and will continue to cause more deaths worldwide

The COVID-19 crisis is ongoing, and will continue to cause more deaths worldwide. we summarise some evidence on the various steps Typhaneoside in SARS-CoV-2 pathogenesis and immune evasion strategies to assess their contribution to our understanding of unresolved problems related to SARS-CoV-2 prevention, control, and treatment protocols. Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, pathogenesis, cytokine storm syndrome, antibody-dependent enhancement ?Z 2019un sonlar?nda koronavirslerden (CoV) ?ok edici bir ?nc tr, 2003teki SARS (?iddetli akut solunum sendromu-CoV) ve 2012deki MERS (Orta Do?u solunum sendromu-COV) pe?in-den geldi; ?u anda ?iddetli akut solunum sendromu koronavirs 2 (SARS-CoV-2; eski ad? 2019-nCoV) olarak adland?r?lmaktad?r. ?lk olarak ?inde ortaya ??kan, ?nemli ?l?de sosyal ve ekonomik maliyetlere yol a?an ve sa?l?k sistemleri zerinde ciddi bask?lar yaratan virs dnyada h?zla yay?l?yor. Viral yay?l?m? kontrol etmek i?in bir?ok giri?im bo?una olmas?na ra?men, ?ehirlerde soka?a ??kma k?s?tlamas? ve sosyal mesafe dahil olmak zere ancak baz? eski muhafaza uygulamalar? bir ?l?de i?e yar?yor. Ne yaz?k ki spesifik antiviral ila?lar ve a??lar henz mevcut de?ildir. Viral patogenezde ?nemli roller oynayan bir?ok fakt?re rastlanmaktad?r. Bunlar aras?nda, ?e?itli insan dokular?na yksek resept?r ba?lanma afinitesi, insanlara viral adaptasyon, asemptomatik enfekte ta??y?c?lar?n yksek yzdesi, uzun sreli inkbasyon ve uzun sreli viral bula? periyotlar? ile geni? bir viral konak?? aral??? Typhaneoside olmas? bulunmaktad?r. Do?rudan hcre hasar? veya ba????kl?k hcrelerini i?eren ba????kl?k arac?l? hasarlar, pro-enflamatuar sitokinlerin artan reglasyonu ve ?oklu organ yetmezli?ine yol a?abilecek antikor ba??ml? geli?tirmeler dahil olmak zere ?ok ?e?itli pulmoner ve ekstrapulmoner doku hasar mekanizmalar? da bulunmaktad?r. Bu makalede, SARS-CoV-2 patogenezi ve ba????kl?k ka??? stratejilerindeki ?e?itli ad?mlar hakk?ndaki baz? kan?tlar?, SARS-CoV-2 ?nleme, kontrol ve tedavi protokolleri ile ilgili ??zlmemi? problemleri anlama konusundaki katk?lar? ?zetlemekteyiz. Keywords: SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19, patogenez, sitokin f?rt?nas? sendromu, antikor ba??ml? geli?tirme Introduction Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) belongs to Nidovirales order in the coronaviradae family, within the Betacoronavirus genus, a group of human and mammalian viruses so named due to the solar coronaClike appearance of their virion surface projections under an electron microscope1. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a newly-emerged zoonotic disease first identified following the December 2019 outbreak of atypical pneumonias in Hubei Province, Wuhan City, China2. It Typhaneoside went on to become a global pandemic, with more than 2.5 million laboratory-confirmed cases and more than 170,000 deaths recorded as of April 2020 across Rabbit Polyclonal to NBPF1/9/10/12/14/15/16/20 210 countries and territories. The issuance of a global alert by the World Health Organization (WHO) Typhaneoside prompted containment measures to control the spread of the virus3. The strict restrictions on travel and commerce imposed by many countries have led to the loss of billions of dollars in economic activity. At present, SARS-CoV-2 appears to have been transmitted to humans from animals (thought to include species of bat, snake, and pangolin)2 raised for food and traditional medicines. Bats are currently considered the most likely hosts for SARS-CoV-2, as both have similar isolates. The SARS-CoV-2 genome is identical in 96.2% to that of the bat-CoV-RaTG134. However, because there are no documented data indicating direct transmission from bats to human beings, the existence of a secondary host is Typhaneoside likely5. Facts correlated to other coronaviruses may be closely pertinent in helping to understand the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2. Contemporary research reports an average incubation period of 5-6 days for COVID-19, ranging from 1-14 days6. On average, disease symptoms develop within 11.5 days of the incubation period. COVID-19 is a lower respiratory tract disease-causing primarily mild-to-moderate symptoms,.